そよ風 note
https://www.painscience.com より
“Myofascial pain syndrome” was first thoroughly studied by Drs. Janet Travell and David Simons. In their explanation of MPS, physical stresses and/or emotional stress triggers a vicious cycle, a trigger is basically a tiny cramp or spasm: a patch of muscle clenches, choking off its own blood supply, resulting in oxygen and nutrient deprivation and stagnant tissue fluids that irritate sensory nerves and perpetuate the cycle.
An appallingly high percentage of doctors and other practitioners are still pretty much out of the loop regarding trigger points,despite their having been written about in medical journals for over sixty years.
Trigger points are medically neglected because medicine has always had many much bigger fish to fry, and musculoskeletal medicine has only just recently started to get any real attention. Chronic pain with no obvious cause is a relatively unstudied epidemic and not many doctors know what to do with it and don’t even try.
Most back pain should not be attributed to disk herniations. In many cases, trigger points in cranky lumbar paraspinal muscles are probably a more important factor and a more treatable one. Relieving trigger points may be a way of improving tissue health to the point where nerves are no longer sensitive to minor stresses.
Fifty-six patients with uncomplicated lumbar disc prolapse were carefully assessed, finding almost no correlation at all between symptoms and the size and position of the bulge.
There is no direct correlation between the size or position of the disc prolapse and a patient's symptoms. The symptoms experienced by patients should be the primary concern in deciding to perform discectomy.
Many trigger points seem to reinforce each other : the more there are, the faster they all get worse, and the harder it is to deal with any of them.
People who suffer from excessive muscle pain often have a medical history littered with other conditions that are caused or particularly sensitive to stress (e.g. ulcers, panic attacks, insomnia, irritable bowel syndrome, etc)
The number one general category of misdiagnosis for trigger points is probably nerve pain.Referred pain from trigger points particularly leads to the most common of all trigger point misdiagnoses:mistaking trigger points for nerve pain... It all results in a great deal of barking up the wrong trees.
Nerve pain is over-diagnosed.
One of the simplest ways to diagnose trigger points is just by elimination : if there is no obvious trauma, then trigger points are more likely to be involved. Obviously there are other possibilities.
A routine misconception about muscle pain is that it must be caused by “inflammation,” like a burn or a cut. That word is used almost interchangeably with pain, as though anything that hurts is inflamed by definition. By the correct definition, all (acute) inflammation is painful, but not all pain involves inflammation (acute or otherwise).
Since there is probably little or no inflammation involved in trigger points, anti-inflammatories like Aspirin or ibuprofen don’t do much. Anti-inflammatory drugs mostly only work on acutely inflamed tissues,and fail with many other conditions, including trigger points.
It is when trigger points burst into activity that we have an episode of pain that seems to come “out of nowhere.“The thing is, it didn’t actually come out of nowhere : the trigger point was well developed already. (It just woke up.) It got pushed over a threshold.
The other major reason that trigger point pain comes “out of nowhere” is that trigger points seem to respond to an incredible array of physical and mental stresses ― so many that there is no way to know, on any given day, whether they will all add up to a problem.
For many years now, MRI scans have been the ultimate in futuristic medicine. But while these machines are miraculous in some ways, they can be worse than useless for diagnosing low back pain.
Doctors still overuse MRI to overdiagnose and overemphasize the power of herniations, despite an avalanche of official medical guidelines recommending against a it.
Many people with no pain have all kinds of things “wrong” with their backs, and vice versa. Many problems revealed by scans that seem like “obvious” problems are not.And so the diagnosis and treatment often goes spinning off in the wrong direction.
痛みのない人の中には、脊椎に様々な ※「問題」を抱えている人が多く、その逆もまた然りです。スキャンによって明らかになったことの多くは、一見「明らかな」問題のように見えますが、そうではありません。そのため、診断や治療が間違った方向に空回りしてしまうことが多いのです。
※「問題」とは、加齢に伴う背骨の変形や椎間板の狭まり、ヘルニア、脊柱管の狭窄 などの構造的な異常のことです。
There are exceptions ― sometimes imaging finds something important ― and that’s why these tests can be appropriate for some kinds of severe and persistent low back pain. But it’s just a generally lousy way to try to figure out why your back hurts.
Why is it so important to actually avoid using X-ray and MRI to diagnose back pain?
First, X-rays and MRIs genuinely spook people ! And nothing is worse for back pain than fear.
Second, imaging often just fails to clarify the situation, or it actually muddies the diagnostic waters.
Dr. John Sarno’s career has also been about debunking structuralism in back pain. In 1984, he first wrote : There is probably no other medical condition which is treated in so many different ways and by such a variety of practitioners as back pain. Though the conclusion may be uncomfortable, the medical community must bear the responsibility for this, for is has been distressingly narrow in its approach to the problem. It has been trapped by a diagnostic bias of ancient vintage and, most uncharacteristically, has uncritically accepted an unproven concept, that structural abnormalities are the cause of back pain.
※「構造的な異常」とは、 加齢に伴う背骨の変形や椎間板の狭まり、ヘルニア、脊柱管の狭窄 などのことです。
Dr. John Sarno writes : “ it is highly unlikely that a structural derangement could produce pain equal in severity to acute muscle spasm [ by which he meant trigger points ].”
Trigger points can be forever, in some rotten cases. Pain that lasts far longer than the healing time of any ordinary injury is one of the main things that should make you suspect a trigger point, because injuries get better and trigger points routinely don’t. They are one of the things that drives pain chronicity.
While most injury slowly but surely heals, trigger point pain often overstays its welcome.
Some of those trigger points just won’t respond to sloppier technique. And when mediocre massage tactics meet more severe trigger points, failure is almost inevitable.
「Worst practices in massage therapy」
Massage therapy is like pizza : even when it’s bad, it’s pretty good.Excessive pressure is the most common problem.
There’s rarely any justification for extremely painful massage, unless it clearly produces a better result than gentler treatment ― and that is rarely clear.
It’s hard for patients to tell the difference between nasty pain that might be a necessary part of therapy, and ugly pain that is just abusive.Not everything that hurts is therapeutic, but not every therapeutic procedure is painless !
Definitely beware of excessively poor results, like feeling too sore and sick after a strong massage.
腰痛について すべての人が知っておくべき10の事実
2019年 British Journal of Sports Medicine (BJSM)という英国の医学雑誌に
『Back to basics : 10 facts every person should know about back pain』
『基本に返る : 腰痛についてすべての人が知っておくべき10の事実』
『腰痛について すべての人が知っておくべき10の事実』
信じてはいけない 役に立たない信念「神話」も紹介します。
事実1:Persistent back pain can be scary, but it’s rarely dangerous
Persistent back pain can be distressing and disabling, but it’s rarely life- threatening and you are very unlikely to end up in a wheelchair.
事実2:Getting older is not a cause of back pain
Although it is a widespread belief and concern that getting older causes or worsens back pain., research does not support this, and evidence-based treatments can help at any age.
事実3:Persistent back pain is rarely associated with serious tissue damage
Backs are strong. If you had an injury, tissue healing occurs within three months, so if pain persists past this time, it usually means there are other contributing factors. A lot of back pain begins with no injury or with simple, everyday movement. These occasions may relate to stress, tension, fatigue, inactivity or unaccustomed activity which make the back sensitive to movement and loading.
事実4:Scans rarely show the cause of back pain
Scans are only helpful in a minority of people. Lots of scary -sounding things can be reported on scans such as disc bulges, degeneration, protrusions, arthritis, etc. Unfortunately, the reports say that these findings are very common in people without back pain and that they don’t predict how much pain you feel or how disabled you are. Scans can also change, and most disc prolapses shrink over time.
事実5:Pain with exercise and movement doesn’t mean you are doing harm
When pain persists, it is common that the spine and surrounding muscles become really sensitive to touch and movement. The pain you feel during movement and activities reflect how sensitive your structures are – not how damaged you are. So it’s safe and normal to feel some pain when you start to move and exercise. This usually settles down with time as you get more active. In fact, exercise and movement are one of the most effective ways to help treat back pain.
事実6:Back pain is not caused by poor posture
How we sit, stand and bend does not cause back pain even though these activities may be painful. A variety of postures are healthy for the back. It is safe to relax during everyday tasks such as sitting, bending and lifting with a round back – in fact, it’s more efficient!
事実7:Back pain is not caused by a ‘weak core’
Weak ‘core’ muscles do not cause back pain, in fact people with back pain often tense their ‘core’ muscles as a protective response. This is like clenching your fist after you’ve sprained your wrist. Being strong is important when you need the muscles to switch on, but being tense all the time isn’t helpful. Learning to relax the ‘core’ muscles during everyday tasks can be helpful.
事実8:Backs do not wear out with everyday loading and bending
The same way lifting weights makes muscles stronger, moving and loading make the back stronger and healthier. So the activities, like running, twisting, bending and lifting, are safe if you start gradually and practice regularly.
事実9:Pain flare-ups don’t mean you are damaging yourself
While the pain flare-ups can be very painful and scary, they are not usually related to tissue damage. The common triggers are things like poor sleep, stress, tension, worries, low mood, inactivity or unaccustomed activity. Controlling these factors can help prevent exacerbation’s, and if you have a pain flare-up, instead of treating it like an injury, try to stay calm, relax and keep moving up.
事実10:Injections, surgery and strong drugs usually aren’t a cure
Spine injections surgery and strong drugs like opioids aren’t very effective for persistent back pain in the long term. They come to risks and can have unhelpful side effects. Finding low-risk ways to put you in control of your pain is the key.
以下は 役に立たない信念(神話) ですので、信じてはいけません。
Myth1: LBP is usually a serious medical condition.
Myth2: LBP will become persistent and deteriorate in later life.
Myth3: Persistent LBP is always related to tissue damage.
Myth4: Scans are always needed to detect the cause of LBP.
Myth5: Pain related to exercise and movement is always a warning that harm is being done to the spine and a signal to stop or modify activity.
Myth6: LBP is caused by poor posture when sitting, standing and lifting.
Myth7: LBP is caused by weak 'core' muscles and and having a strong core protects against future LBP.
Myth8: Repeated spinal loading results in ‘wear and tear’ and tissue damage.
神話8:背骨に繰り返し負荷をかけると、 摩耗や組織損傷を引き起こします。
Myth9: Pain flare-ups are a sign of tissue damage and require rest.
Myth10: Treatments such as strong medications, injections and surgery are effective, and necessary, to treat LBP.
役に立たない信念(神話)は、 メディア、業界団体、臨床医や施術者によって強化されることがあります。
テンセグリティー その②